Healthy Life: Wrist Exercises (758)
Healthy Life: Wrist Exercises
蘇鎮邦 (Christopher So):
舒整物理治療師 (Manipulative Physiotherapist) 人類工程師 (Ergonomist)
A sprained wrist is a very common injury. Mostly, the injury involves partial tearing of the ligaments around the wrist. Wrist movements become painful and restricted. For example, when we fall on the wrist, the weight of the body and the momentum of the fall will easily cause damage or tearing in the wrist. If it involves rotational force then the damage will be more severe. The common daily activities that can cause wrist strain and pain are feeding and carrying a baby, washing clothes and dishes, ironing, wringing of towels, brushing teeth, turning wheels, turning keys, frying, opening caps and taps.
The following wrist exercises should help most wrist injuries. However, if it causes increased pain or symptoms, you should stop immediately and seek advice from your physiotherapist.
Wrist exercises (Diagram 1) should be done 4 times a day and 20 repetitions for each movement.
A. Down (flexion),
B. Up (extension),
C. In and out (abduction and adduction)– these are active movements
Passive Wrist Stretch – down and up, free and weight-bearing.
Turning palm up (supination) and down (pronation) without weight and with weight.
Gripping exercises for strength and power.
Diagram1 : Wrist Exercises