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Healthy Life: Thoracic and Cervical ( Chest and Neck) Exercises (780)


Healthy Life: Thoracic and Cervical ( Chest and Neck) Exercises

蘇鎮邦 (Christopher So):
舒整物理治療師 (Manipulative Physiotherapist) 人類工程師 (Ergonomist)

Diagram 1 shows the anatomy of chest and neck areas. It is not hard to see why neck problems can cause headaches and pain in chest area between the shoulder blades. It is particularly true for people who have to work with their head bending down most of the time e.g. office workers, carpenters and many factory workers. Such postures cause static loading in ergonomic terms. That means the muscles are contracting without movements. This will cause a slowing down of blood circulation which increases the accumulation of lactic acid resulting in muscle cramps.


(Diagram 1)

In order to reduce pain in the neck, head, chest and back areas caused by cramp in the muscles between the scapular, two exercises can be done to relieve such conditions.
The first exercise (Diagram 2) is called the shoulder shrugging exercise. Roll your shoulder forward slowly for one minute then backward for one minute. This exercise will increase the blood circulation in the muscles between the shoulder blades. Also, it can have a relaxation effect on the muscles.

(Diagram 2)

The second exercise (Diagram 3) is a chest rotation exercise requiring 30 repetitions to each side . This exercise can relax the muscles around the chest and the shoulder blades. Also, it can mobilise and increase the movements in the thoracic spine especially the costotransverse joints. It helps the breathing function of the chest.

(Diagram 3)

When the area is painful, you should do the exercises 4 times a day. When the pain has subsided, you can just do it 2 times a day for maintenance. These exercises may be simple. However, if you experience discomfort or dizziness, you should seek advice from your physiotherapist.