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Biomechanical correction with the following:

•  Manipulation (highly selective with contra-indication considered)
•  Joint mobilisation (most of the conditions)
•  Massage (rarely general, mostly selective and specific to each condition)
•  Ergonomic preventive re-education
•  Postural preventive re-education
•  Sports injury pre- and post-operation rehabilitations
•  Chronic pain management
•  Exercises (specific to condition, demonstration and recheck on follow up)
•  Ultrasound
•  Interferential Therapy
. Laser Acupuncture
. Acupuncture
•  Intermittent back or neck traction


•  Back pain and sciatica
•  Neck pain and headaches / dizziness / referred shoulder arm pain
•  Muscle and joint pain
•  Sports injuries
•  Adolescent and children’s injuries
•  Posture and alignment problems
•  Ergonomic problems esp. people confined to desks at the workplace
•  Management for the elderly
• Osteoporosis
•  Arthritis and Osteoarthritis
•  Joint mobility, strength and balance


•  Hands that feel and heal
•  Traction machine for back (sciatica) and neck (radiculopathy)
•  Interferential Therapy for inflammation, swelling and pain relief
•  Ultrasound machine for regeneration and pain relief
•  Laser acupuncture for pain relief
•  Ice pack for inflammation, swelling and pain relief
•  Adjustable Ankle Weights for knee rehabilitation